The history of this branch of the family tree is the shortest and the most tragical.
I got to know very little about it and it think that it is impossible to learn much about the Frenkels- the relatives of my father, Tsal (Betsalel) Frenkel.
Since my childhood I know that the relatives of my father were lost during War II in Rovno, in Ukraine. I know that my brother and I were named in honour of the parents of our father - Leya and Bentsion Frenkels. Our father has never told about the pre-war life, about his family - this theme had been closed for the conversations. My father has died in 1969, and there were any hopes to receive the particulars of that period of his life.
During my first visit to the museum Yad-Vashem I tried to find data about father's family, but, unfortunately, there were no records about my relatives at this museum. There was an idea that any details can be learnt from the documents in the organisations where my father had worked. Alas – the documents have not remained in any organisation where my father had worked.
It seemed to me it will be impossible to open at least a little bit a veil of the secrecy. But there was a miracle: on the site I have found people who had interested the Frenkels from Rovno. A woman from Canada, Fredda Finkelstein (Bailey), answered to my letter. The history of her family is similar to the history of the mine: her father, Zahar Finkelstein, as well as mine, was born in Rovno and he was not lost during the war, unique of all the family. His mother Baila Fraidelle , his father Lejb, the little brother Zyzja and the sister Rosa with two her sons were lost. Freda wrote me, that the sister of her father, who was named Rosa, had been married Frenkel. The name of her husband isn’t known, but it has remained the wedding photo of the Rosa Finkelstein with her groom. I looked forward the photo.
When I have received it I have been very surprised: the groom of Rosa at this photo was amazingly similar to my father, and even more to my brother at the same age! All my family agrees with it.
No doubts: Rose Finkelstein was married my father or his brother. I have visited again the site Yad-Vashem and I have found two documents signed by the same person: about Lejbe Finkelstein and his daughter Rosa Finkelstein who was married Betsalel (the full name of my father). The person, who has written it, obviously, badly knew this family: he has written down not all members of the family, but only the father and the daughter. The daughter has written down under her maiden name. But now I am sure that Rosa Finkelstein - Frenkel was the first wife of my father.
At the same site I have found some lists of the people which have been shot in the wood in November, 1941. There I have found the names of the sons of Rosa Frenkel – of Shimon and Misha - my brothers. Further I corresponded with the Rovno archive in hope to receive the additional data of the family of my father. Unfortunately, in this archive a very few documents have remained. I received the data of a married couple of Ita-Lea (year of the birth 1877) and Bentsion (1874) Frenkel who were presumably mine grandfather and grandmother. I have found the same names in the lists of voters in Rovno in the 1938. At the same list and at the same address there have been written down Mirla and Lejbush Frenkel. Apparently they were the brother and sister of my father.
That's all that I could learn about the Frenkels.